Targeted web sites

Targeted web sites, where people go when they are looking to buy something specific, like a car or a computer, can get $100 for each 1,000 impressions, or 10 cents an eyeball. An example of such a site is ZDnet, which caters to PC buyers. Some sites get a lot more hits than their orders might show. The PC Gifts and Flowers site gets 25,000 to 30,000 hits a day, but only 200 orders a month. Hotwired, the online version of Wired magazine, gets 250,000 hits a day, and gets $30,000 for each two month ad. With 16 advertisers, they are pulling in $2,000,000 anually to support their 25 online staffers. Lycos (the search engine) charges 3 cents a hit for the 60,000 to 200,000 hit range. Yahoo charges 5 cents a hit for 50,000 hits, and 4 cents a hit for 100,000 hits. Zensoft charges three quarters of a cent per hit for 100,000 hits, up to 2 cents a hit for 1,000 hits. Other arrangements only pay when the user clicks on the ad. These generally pay more, but only a small fraction of your visitors will ever click on an ad. The ad below pays 35 cents per click: