How do I find advertisers?

  Sometimes they come to you. The day after my web site hit 5,000 hits, I got the following letter via eMail:
    Dear Mr./Mrs. Even,

    I visited your website yesterday and came away
    impressed with your layout and content. Hopefully
    your site is a success and receive a good amount
    of traffic!  With the Link-N-Win Associate Program,
    there is an easy way to make money on this traffic
    by simply by placing a banner on your most visited

    Link-n-Win Associate Program is a referral program
    created in conjunction with the
    website, a revolutionary new gaming site, where
    you can win real money!   With the Link-N-Win
    Program you will automatically receive 5% of all
    Click-N-Win game tickets purchased by customers
    that were linked from your website.

    In just 2 minutes you can apply to become a
    Link-n-Win Associate and start earning money!
    Please visit 
    See you soon,
    greetings from Nevis, West Indies,

    Stratis International, Inc.
    Jeff P. Wall
The Click-N-Win banner is in my
examples section for those interested in how it works, or who want to inflate my bank account. The other way to find advertisers is to call them or eMail them. You might start by looking at ads on sites similar to your own, but there is no harm in finding an advertiser that fits your content, and suggesting an arrangement. If your site routinely gets over a million hits per month, you might want to contact DoubleClick. They are a network of high hit rate sites that manage the advertising for a large number of advertisers. They provide targeting information and manage billing, etc.